

Hello There!     The end is near. We are coming to an end of the term, it may sound like bad news for humanity but it is not, yet. As a 2A classroom, our first term of the second year is about to an end. Today, I am here to reflect and comment on the Educational Technologies course and answer some questions.     At first, I thought this course will teach us how to use programs like MS Word and because of this expectation; I expected a boring lesson, but it turned out that I was wrong. Taken from     While taking this course, I realized that my thoughts on using technology in Elt were so limited, I was not supporting technology use because of the unreliability factor but by showing me the importance of technology use, the course managed to change my mind This course thought me what kinds of tools can be used in our future classroom also taught me how to use them. The course showed me that if we are living in the age of technology, we should use it every place in our l

Favorite Web 2.0 tools

Hello There !     Over 1 billion users and 80 million websites but it was 10 years ago, now imagine the new numbers. Our new subject is Web 2.0 and its tools but what is it?. W eb 2.0  enables users to create, share, collaborate and communicate their work with others, with no need for any web design or publishing skills [ 1] . Taken from     My new homework is about creating an infographic to inform you about my three favorite Web 2.0 tools. There are thousands of them on the Internet. I chose three tools by considering their features and benefits for me, later I made an infographic which has information about three tools and their affordances , constraints. To create the infographic, I used the 'Canva'. It is a simplified graphic-design tool website. Here is the infographic.       As stated above, there are thousands of tools and it is difficult for one person to find useful ones, but we can work collaboratively to make the job easy. Let us hear your favorite tool

Space magazine

Hello There ! Making magazine cover h as never been this easy, all you need is creativity. Today I am in front of you to show my magazine, Space Tribe, which is about space, and I covered four different subjects in the magazine which can allure space enthusiasts. This project stems from homework and it is about creating a cover that had two options I chose the second one, it was about creating a magazine cover and there were some rules we need to comply most important one is creating a logo. To create a magazine used postermywall and for the logo, I used freelogodesign , both of them are very easy to use and user-friendly that is exactly why I said all you need is creativity. (For a bigger version of the design)

A house for Me-ow!

Hello There ! As you all know, winter is coming, but we are safe in our houses what about giving one to our cat friends. This was the first idea that came to our mind when we heard our new homework, it was named as digital storytelling it had three different options in it: 1. Creating a Public Service Announcement (PSA) 2. Creating a How-to Story 3. Creating a fictional story    With my team partner İdil ( don't forget to visit her blog)  we picked the second option and started to work for it. The project is very easy to do yet beneficial for cats or any stray animals. First, you make a plan for the building, then you build and record at the same and finally narrate it. Here is the cat house we built with its cute resident: Prenses.     If you feel responsible for animals and reluctant to do something for them, you can build a house by following our guide to 'how to build a cat house' video below.

Working together but separately

Hello There ! "The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison." says James Cash Penney about teamwork and that is what I am going to need to do for my new homework. Source      We need to create a group of 3 to 5 and choose a subject to work on and answer What we know, What we want to learn and what we learned questions. These three questions  are called the KWL chart. We will do this homework on a website called Padlet, it gives a chance to a group of students or teammates to work together at the same time. Padlet enables you to share texts, videos and visuals. We made a group of four and worked on climate change we filled the KWL chart individually. Personally, I stated what I know first and asked three questions for what I want to know they were; 1) How does climate change affect human health? 2) What is the main proof that shows it is really  happening? 3) What is the difference between climate change and glob