
Showing posts from November, 2019

A monkey took the wheel

Hello There ! I watched Planet of the Apes recently and last week my teacher gave me homework related to movies. The homework is about watching a movie and writing a review about it on the wiki with one fellow student. Mine is Ufuk Pehlivanoğulları   by the way . The movie is about an astronaut crew crashes on a planet where talking apes are the dominant species, and humans are the enslaved so it shows us an upside-down world. Thanks for reading. See you later. The Review. Taken from

No Way! (podcast)

Hello there! Creating a podcast. This is a new task for me  I was told to create a podcast for my blog, and I decided to create a minute-long podcast. Even though it is only a minute podcast, it took quite a long time to create. First, I need to find an idea for my podcast and elaborate it to serve my audience and publish it. Listening to a podcast is very easy you just click one and listen, but creating a podcast is not easy . Uploading your voice to the Internet made me feel anxious a little, it was the hardest part for me but creating, recording, editing and publishing is very easy thanks to technology we have today. If you ask me, will you use podcasts for your students  in the future ? I would say yes to your question because I would like my teachers to do the same for me. Thanks for reading. See you in the next post. Here is the podcast. Audio recording software >>

You will never walk alone.

Hello There ! The title may make you think this post is about Liverpool but it is not... Sorry. Today I will talk about RSS feed. RSS feed is a pile of code that helps you to find new content on websites, blogs, etc. you are following without you to go to each blog or website. There are lots of RSS programs you can use some of them requires you to download it. The others work online. I am using FeedReader as a companion on my way to walk through the Internet. For now, I am following 10 blogs and websites I like every one of them, but my favorite is English Teaching 101 . It is a blog and a website at the same time. The blog gives ideas and solutions to help teachers. I started to follow it recently, but even in a short time; the blog managed to teach me activities to do in class and also gave me ideas to solve common problems in the classroom and those are the reason why  I recommend teachers to use it too. Thanks for reading. Let me know your favorite blog in the comment